These are the exact words from Cogan Tumwesigye the director along with his wife Medius from the Orphanage of Hope . We had an outstanding response to our call out for help in giving our precious orphans a better way of life.
For those who were able to help we thank you so much. In my last blog I mentioned that we had three ladies from New Zealand who made the effort to visit the Orphanage and one of the things they commented on was the fact that bedding was a very pressing need and Dalaine and I are so thankful there are people who have kind hearts who responded so quckly .

Children living in affluent countries have their own bedrooms, own beds often with electric blankets and with all the the niceties of life.... in Uganda ( remember we have 172 orphans in a very confined area) each room may have 7 mattresses or more filling the entire floor area.
The children lie side by side for warmth and personal security .Lying on cold concrete or mud with open doors would turn most kiwi kids noses up.
So what did over 9 million Ugandan Shillings (New Zealand $3995.00) buy. ??
We were able to buy 46 mattresses , 40 mattress covers, 20 blankets and 35 pillows.
We will keep the appeal open as the optimum number is 58 mattresses and we also need to replace and add to the very thin blankets that don't do a great job keeping them warm at nights. The Orphanage is at an altitude of over 2,000 metres above sea level and with a rainfall of approx 1,000 mm of rainfall a year preventing children from getting cold is really important. It helps with fewer hospitalisations.
Again I also want to thank our wonderful regular donors who give money every month ....there are 67 essential individual items required to keep the Orphanage and School running . Without your regular support our work and outreach would not happen.
If you would like to donate on a monthly basis please look at the Donation section or E mail me on
Be Blessed in all you do...
Lindsay Walker