The full rhyme goes Rain Rain Go Away Come again another day….
We don’t need it to come back….we just want it to stop…it has caused death and destruction…and life is getting really unbearable.
The same “ Atmospheric River “ that originates in the Tropics has brought abnormal weather in California, Australia and New Zealand…and has now hit a number of African countries.
In Kabale where the ORPHANAGE OF HOPE is located there have been over 25 deaths and it has devastated the land and many livestock have drowned.
it is particularly hard in a situation with children living in an orphanage with no power , leaking roofs and now damage to the Orphanage itself.
Currently we are struggling to feed the orphans in addition to the other 30 plus essential requirements we pay for each month.
Each month we need in the + $6,000 NZD just to cover the very basic support level and are in desperate need of more help.
Every dollar that is donated goes 100% into supporting these beautiful 172 children. We feed , educate, clothe and house and love and protect them.
Can you help….or maybe you have a business , or a community club or organisation that can help. We are indebted to Barrett’s Joinery in WASHDYKE TIMARU that are supporting the Orphanage by selling timber off cuts to DIY home handy people …we are so blessed to have them supporting us.
Also a big shout out to the lovely ladies at the Trinity Presbyterian Church ladies group whom I spoke to last week. This small group of ladies whose ages ranged from 70 to 93 raised enough money to buy a small petrol generator that will help the light shine when there is a power outage. Currently there has been no power for 4 days….several months ago it was 14 days with no power.
I am attaching an article in the local Temuka newspaper as well as the latest photos from the flooding…..I hope it moves readers to contribute.
Best Regards

The washout directly Delos the Orphanage

Spot the submerged car……

Road 400 metres from the Orphanage …