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  • Writer's pictureLindsay Walker


We really needed new desks and seats in the 7 class rooms…many of the children were having to sit on mud floors as the old desks had broken.

The younger children get Jiggers….it is an infection through their feet and lower limbs so having desks and chairs helps enormously.

This year we also want to concrete the floors in each of the class rooms but at $1500 a is going to take time and a lot of praying as money is very limited.

Thank goodness we received from our wonderful friends at Trinity Church Temuka over $900 which we used every cent to add to , repair and replace all the 60 desks .

As you can see in one of photos they are all hand made with the very basics of tools but the men making them did so with so much diligence and care.

They are painted with a red paint preservative that kills termites in the wood.

The carpenter's also made 5 extra desks and chairs to what we paid for as well as repairing some of the broken chairs and desks.

With the money gifted we were able to have made 20 desks ( 3 seaters) and the chairs that go with them…and that is a huge blessing and was so appreciated by the Orphans and teachers.

So again we are thankful to you for this wonderful gift ….I had hoped to show you all the freshly painted desks and chairs in the class rooms which we will do in time , but there has been abnormal rainfall in the Kabale District of late …3 young children from the same family died after being stuck by lightening only a couple of kms from the Orphanage. To add to the worries when we encounter heavy rainfall is an opportune time for thieves to steal our vegetables …

We thank all our kind donors for without their help and generosity it would be impossible to continue this vital work.

Lindsay Walker.

PS ..As I press the send button , a mudslide threatens one of our orphanage buildings …so just another concern and a few more grey hairs…..

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