Whilst not minimising the effects of flooding in New Zealand and throughout the Pacific , sadly similar news from especially Africa (Uganda ) seldom has a mention.
Recent flooding in Kabale where we have the Orphanage of Hope created a death toll in excess of 300, with many more suspected of being drowned.
To see Cattle and Goats in their hundreds being washed away and crops and land destroyed was mind chilling…especially as I had been through this region myself last June and recognised where this flooding took place and remember…… there are several wet seasons every year.
Then there are droughts…and we are currently going through one at the moment….ever tried hand watering cabbages with a watering can …. almost one hectare in size. !!!!
Failure to do so would result in starvation in the future.

A tragedy of immense consequences was when Cogans wife Medius lost her 28 year old sister in a murderous act when her house was deliberately burnt down in the capital Kampala.
Doreen was an immense assistance often giving sacrificially to help orphans with school uniforms and was a well respected and a very well loved Christian lady . Her three year old daughter miraculously was not in the house and three men are in jail awaiting trial for murder.
it leaves a huge hole in many ways.

If things couldn’t get worst our security guard Herbert was rushed to hospital with acute HIV complications and Tuberculous …his weight is now less than 35 kgs and he may lose his life. He has also lost the sight in one eye...
Herbert helped with so much….as well as keeping robbers away from the school and Orphanage ..Carrying Wood, digging land for crops and watering …he is very important .

Finally after two huge deep breaths we had another crisis when we lost three of our teachers….who were offered more money by the Government to teach in Government funded schools. Fortunately we were able to replace but it doesn’t do my heart much good ….we can understand why they were bribed ….people are really struggling with costs and there is NO government assistance or hand outs….
We are really struggling to keep these Orphans alive…and we desperately need more donations.
Every dollar donated reaches the orphans.
We are a NZ registered charity and have Trust NGO not for profit status in both Uganda and New Zealand. There is so much to tell and would love to tell you of some incredible things happening .
Please support this incredibly valuable and important ministry ….it literally does change lives .
Be Blessed
02 March 2023.
